BK21 Plus Seminar 2017. 09. 12 (화) 13:30

BK21 Plus Seminar 2017. 09. 12 (화) 13:30


1. 주 제 : Connecting the Dots in Smart Manufacturing: preparing Big Industrial Data for Intelligent Analytics


2. 연 사 : Prof. Dimitrios Kyritsis (EPFL)


3. 내 용 :  Keywords: Smart Manufacturing, Big Industrial Data, Industrial Ontologies, Data Analytics


Closed-Loop Lifecycle Management extends the meaning of PLM in order to close the loop of the information among the different lifecycle phases. The information from Middle-of-Life (MOL) could be used at the End-of-Life (EOL) stage to support deciding the most appropriate EOL option (specially to make decision for re-manufacturing and re-use) and combined with the EOL information it could be used as feedback in the Beginning-of-Life (BOL) for improving the new generations of the product.


Ontologies and associated semantic technologies are rapidly becoming popular in various research fields. There is a tendency both in converting existing models into ontology-based models, and in creating new ontology-based models from scratch. The aim of this talk is to present the advantages and features provided by the ontologies into PLM models to support Industrial Internet of Things applications and Big Industrial Data Analytics towards achieving Closed-Loop Lifecycle Management for Smart Manufacturing.


This talk will explore the key roles Industrial Ontologies for Intelligent Analytics are aimed for addressing current smart manufacturing challenges such as:


  • Domain modeling for Big Industrial Data Analytics
  • Content analytics enriched with semantic meaning
  • Recommend data and analytics based on information / decision need
  • Improve the ability of analysts to rapidly find and process relevant information in support of decision making 
  • The issue of interoperability:
        o How do we get the domain modeling going on in different communities to coalesce?


Finally, this talk will present the new Manufacturing Industry Ontologies Foundry initiative, a global framework to share ontologies for industrial applications.


4. 일 시 : 2017년 09월 12일 (화) 오후 01:30


5. 장 소 :


6. 문의 : 문일경교수(ikmoon@snu.ac.kr)