[8월 30일 BK21세미나] 연사: Takahashi, Dohi

[8월 30일 BK21세미나] 연사: Takahashi, Dohi


세미나 I


1. 주 제 : Technology Transfer from Japan to Overseas


2. 연 사 : Prof. Katsuhiko Takahashi (Hiroshima University)


3. 내 용 : The age replacement models play a fundamental role in planning the maintenance schedule arising in industrial engineering and management science. Recently several model variations for opportunity-based age replacement policies have been extensively studied by some authors, where an additional random opportunity for preventive replacement may arrive before proactive (planned) replacement or reactive (failure) replacement. We overview two representative opportunity-based age replacement models; replacement first and replacement last, and consider the statistical inference of the optimal age replacement time which minimizes the expected long-run average cost. Especially, we focus on the moment matching approach based on the phase type approximation and the upper and lower bounds of the expected cost, under the assumption that the underlying failure time distribution is arbitrarily IFR (increasing failure rate). Next, we concern a generalization of the opportunity-based age replacement policies by relaxing another assumption that the failure time is statistically independent of the opportunity-arrival time. More specifically, we introduce the bivariate distribution of the above two time scales in modeling, and characterize the optimal opportunity-based age replacement policies with correlation.


4. 일 시 : 2017년 8월 30일 (수) 오후 4시


5. 장 소 : 39동 325호


세미나 II


1. 주 제 : Opportunity-based Age Replacement Policies: Modeling and Statistical Inference


2. 연 사 : Prof. Tadashi Dohi (Hiroshima University)


3. 내 용 : Recently, many Japanese companies expand overseas than before. In addition, after 2000, the target to expand changed and accelerated into Asia. Based on the situation, many papers on technology transfer have been published. As one of the research, this presentation introduces our recent research on technology transfer from Japan to Indonesia. Research Group for Technology Transfer in Hiroshima University and Institut Teknologi Bandung surveyed Japanese companies in Indonesia on technology transfer from Japan to Indonesia in 2015 with support of Japanese Government, Indonesian Government, and Karawang International Industrial City, Indonesia. The purpose of the research is to identify the factors for the success not only for Japanese side but also for Indonesian side, to find the generalized law for smooth start-up and sustainable development of operation, and to contribute the development for both countries. The interview and questionnaire survey on company profile, company performance, and four kinds of factors, technoware, humanware, inforware, and orgaware, not only for Japanese staff but also for Indonesian staff were conducted. The results of analysis showed the characteristics of factors and current status of surveyed companies, and the correlative relationships between the factors and the current status were identified. In addition, the gaps of perception between Japanese staff and Indonesian staff were identified, and it was clarified that decreasing the gaps is necessary to increase the current status of companies. Based on the results, the managerial implications for technology transfer from Japan to Indonesia are summarized.


4. 일 시 : 2017년 8월 30일 (수) 오후 5시


5. 장 소 : 39동 325호


문 의 : 문일경교수 (ikmoon@snu.ac.kr)