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Full name:
코넬대학교 응용수학 박사
통계학습 & 커널 머신, 계산 금융, 광역 최적화 & 동적 시스템
- 406.317 경영과학 2 (Operations Research Ⅱ)
- 406.311 시뮬레이션 (Simulation)
- 406.327 산업경영수리기법 (Mathematical Methods for Industrial and Management Engineering)
- 464.805 통계학습 고등논제 (Advanced Topics in Statistical Learning)
- 406.568 확률모형 특론 (Special Topics in Probability Models)
- 464.659 응용 다변량 통계분석 (Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis)
Research Interest
- 통계 학습 및 커널 머신 (Statistical Learning and Kernel Machines)
- 계산 금융 (Computational Finance)
- 광역 최적화 및 동적 시스템 (Global Optimization and Dynamics)
- Ph.D., 1999 : Applied Mathematics, Cornell University, USA
- B.S., 1993 : Mathematics, Seoul National University, Korea.
Work Experience
- 2012.3 ~ : Professor, Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea.
- 2009.2 ~ 2010.2 : Advisory Professor (자문교수), Financial Supervisory Services (금융감독원)
- 2001.8 ~ 2012.2 : Assistant, Associate, Tenured Professor, Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, POSTECH, Korea.
Professional Activities
- 2010.3 ~ : Associate Editor, Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry (SCI)
- 2009.2 ~ : Manuscript Editor, Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Systems (SCOPUS)
- 2012.1 ~ 2014.3 : Editor-in Chief, Management Science and Financial Engineering
- 2010 : General Organizing Chair, The International Workshop on Learning, Computations, and Finance
- 2005.2 ~ 2011.12 : Associate Editor, International Journal of Management Science