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- Supply Chain Management
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Kang, Suk-Ho

Full name:
Kang, Suk-Ho
텍사스A&M대학교 산업공학 박사
Undergraduate Courses
- 400.015 산업공학개론
- 406.306 경영정보시스템
- 406.310 생산관리
Graduate Courses
- 406.635 전략기획 및 통제
Research Interests
- Intelligent Manufacturing System
- Management Information System
- Business Process Management
- Ph.D., 1976
Industrial Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA Major : Neural Network - Master, 1972
Industrial Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA - Bachelor, 1970
Physics, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
Work Experiences
- 1987.10~Present
Professor, Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea. - 1982.01~1982.12
Visiting Professor, M.I.T University, Cambridge, MA, USA. - 1981.10~1987.09
Associate Professor, Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea. - 1976.09~1981.09
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea. - 1974.12~1976.08
Faculty Research Associate, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA - 1973.01~1973.09
Researcher, Virginia Mason, USA
Academic Activities
- 1999.01~2004.12 : Associate Chairman, Asia Pacific O.R. Society
- 1991.01~1997.12 : Chairman, Korea O.R. Society
- 1987.08~Present : Korea representative, World Production Engineering Society
- 1984.01~1988.12 :Director, Korea O.R. Society
Social Activities
- 2002.04~2005.03 : 중소기업협동조합중앙회 정책위원
- 2001.01~2005.11 : 미국 Texas A&M 대학교 한국동창회 회장
- 1998.02~1999.02 : 동부제강 사외이사
- 1996.03~2006.02 : 산업자원부 자동화 부문 심사위원
- 1996.02~1997.06 : 삼성전기 자문교수
- 1994.03~1995.02 : LG 생산기술연구원 자문교수
- 1993.03~2006.02 : 행정고시, 외무고시, 공장관리기술사 출제위원
- 1980.01~1981.12 : 국방부 정책 자문교수