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Jin Woo Park
Full name:
Jin Woo Park
PhD in Industrial Engineering, University of California, Berkeley
Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Enterprise Resource Planning/Supply Chain Management, Flexible Manufacturing System/CIM, Simulation/Scheduling, RFID/USN, etc.
Undergraduate Courses
- 406.416 Computer Integrated Manufacturing System 컴퓨터 통합 생산시스템
- 406.417 Computer Integrated Manufacturing System Lab 컴퓨터 통합 생산 시스템 실험
- 406.203 Materials and Processes in Manufacturing 산업공정설계
Graduate Courses
- 406.522 Technical aspects of ERP/SCM 기업 자원과 공급 망 관리의 기술적 논제
- 406.620 Design of Automatic Factories 공장자동화론
- 406.606 Theory of Scheduling 스케줄 이론
Research Interests
- Manufacturing Systems Engineering
- Enterprise Resource Planning/Supply Chain Management
- Flexible Manufacturing System/CIM
- Simulation/Scheduling
- Ubiquitous System/RFID
- D.Eng., 1985 Industrial Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, USA
- Master, 1976 Industrial Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea
- Bachelor, 1974 Industrial Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
Work Experience
- 1985~ : Professor, Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea.
- 1982~1985 : Research Assistant/Associate Researcher, University of California, Berkeley, USA.
- 1976~1979 : Hyun Dai International Inc.(Currently Doosan Heavy Industries, Inc.http://www.doosanheavy.com), Project planner(76.2-77.6), Assistant to Chairman Mr. In Young Chung(77.7-78.12), Section manager(79.1-79.11, Production Control/Gunpo Plant)
Professional Activities
- Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE)
- Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME)
- Association of Computing Machinery (ACM)
- Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
- American Production & Inventory Control Society (APICS)
A Life Member
- Korea Institute of Industrial Engineers (KIIE)
- Korean Institute of Operations Research & Management Science society (KORMS)
- Korea Institute of Information Science (KIIS), Korean Expert System Society
- Korea Society for Simulation (KSS)
- Institute of Control & Automatic System Engineers (ICASE)
- Korea Data Base Institute, Korea Management Information Systems Society
- Korean Institute of Plant Engineering
Editorial Service
- 박진우, 박찬권, 정한일, 주상용, 사례를 통한 ERP도입전략과 비즈니스 개혁, 서울 박영사, 2001, 총 307면 [역서], 20-01-01 발행
- F.W. Taylor, 과학적 관리의 원칙, 한국 박영사, 2002, 총 156면 [역서], 20-02-08 발행
- 김은, 박진우, 박준호, 유세열, Enterprise Solutions, 한국 어람 출판사, 2005, 총 668면 [저서], 20-05-04 발행
- 이병곤, 윤명환, 박종헌, 박진우, Real-Time Enterprise- RTE 시간경쟁우위 실시간 기업, 한국 SIGMAINSIGHT, 2005, 총 245면 [역서], 20-05-07 발행
- Religion: Christian
- Hobby: Mountain hiking, Reading